
Garden Maintenance Checklist: Seasonal Tasks for a Thriving Home Garden

Your garden is a canvas of nature’s beauty, where vibrant blooms, lush greenery, and bountiful harvests thrive. This comprehensive seasonal maintenance checklist ensures your garden remains a sanctuary of growth and vitality throughout the year. Also, always wear gloves and other protective gear when working in the garden. Let’s explore the tasks essential for each season to keep your garden flourishing and blooming with life.

Spring: Reviving and Renewing

During spring, the garden bursts into brilliant colors, and it’s time to give your landscape a fresh start after the cold winter months. Start by cleaning up any debris like fallen leaves, twigs, or branches that may have accumulated during winter. Clear out dead annual plants and prune back any damaged or overgrown shrubs or trees to make room for new growth. Next, it’s time to prepare the soil for planting. Turn over and aerate the soil, add compost or other organic matter, and fertilize according to your garden’s needs. This will give your plants a healthy foundation for growth. Finally, it’s important to start planting in spring. Choose hardy annuals that can withstand any potential late frosts and start seeding or transplanting any seedlings that have been started indoors. This is also a good time to plant new perennials and divide any existing ones.

Summer: Nurturing and Maintaining

As the temperatures rise, your garden will need extra care to thrive in the heat. Make sure to water regularly, especially during dry spells. Use mulch around plants to help retain moisture and prevent weeds from competing for nutrients. Regularly deadhead flowers to encourage new blooms and remove any spent annuals. Keep an eye out for pests and diseases, and address them promptly by using organic pesticides or natural remedies. Also, make sure to continue fertilizing as needed throughout the growing season.


Fall: Preparing and Preserving

As summer ends and cooler temperatures set in, it’s time to prepare your garden for the upcoming winter. Start by clearing out any remaining annuals and removing dead foliage from perennials. Plant spring-blooming bulbs like tulips or daffodils, and add compost or mulch to protect the soil during the colder months. Fall is also a great time to plant trees and shrubs as they have time to establish their roots before winter. Finally, clean and store any garden tools and equipment that won’t be needed until spring.

Winter: Resting and Planning

Although your garden may seem dormant during winter, there are still tasks that can be done to prepare for the next growing season. Use this time to plan for any changes or additions to your garden, such as new plantings or redesigning certain areas. This is also a good time to research and order seeds for the upcoming spring planting season. Additionally, check on any plants that may need winter protection, such as covering with burlap or moving indoors. Don’t forget to keep an eye out for any issues that may arise during the winter months, such as animal damage or waterlogged soil from heavy snow or rain.

In Conclusion

By following this seasonal garden maintenance checklist, you’ll nurture a thriving ecosystem, fostering a garden teeming with life and beauty year-round. Embrace the joy of gardening, and watch as your efforts yield a haven of natural splendor right in your backyard. Aside from these seasonal tasks, don’t forget to enjoy the fruits of your labor and take time to relax and appreciate the beauty of your garden.…

home garden

Handy Tips to Get Rid of Moles in Your Garden

Spring is the season when nature freshens up our lives. It’s especially if we have a well-maintained garden or backyard. However, moles can be a real nuisance in the garden. They can damage plants, bulbs, and roots with their digging and leave unsightly mounds of earth on the surface. If you have a mole problem, don’t worry. You’re in the right place. Today, we will talk about some great advice to help get rid of them. Without further ado, let’s get started.

Apply a Mole Repellent

moleOne great way to get rid of moles in your house garden is to apply a mole repellent. There are many different products on the market, but we recommend using one that contains castor oil. Castor oil is a natural substance that’s been effective at deterring moles. Simply apply the repellent around the perimeter of your property, and the moles should stay away. If you want something more advanced and effective, you can get a sonic mole repellent. These devices emit a high-frequency sound that moles find unpleasant, and they’ll quickly leave the area.

Dig a Trench

Another suitable method for getting rid of moles is to dig a trench around the perimeter of your property. Moles like to travel along the edge of things, so a trench will make it more difficult for them to get into your garden. Ensure the trench is at least eight inches deep and 12 inches wide. You can also line the trench with chicken wire to make it even more effective.

Get Rid of Their Food Resources

tomatoesMoles are primarily insectivores, so they’re constantly looking for food. If you can get rid of their food sources, they’ll be less likely to stick around. The first step is to eliminate grubs and other insects from your lawn. You can do this by applying a pesticide or nematode treatment. You should also make sure to keep your grass well-trimmed. Longer grass provides cover for insects and makes it easier for moles to find them.

Keep the Lawn Tidy

As mentioned, moles are constantly on the lookout for food. If you have a tidy lawn, they’ll have a more challenging time finding anything to eat. Be sure to rake up any leaves, grass clippings, or other debris. You should also remove any woodpiles or other materials that might attract insects. A well-maintained lawn will make your property less attractive to moles. Although it may be such a time-consuming method, you’ll also have a beautiful garden.

Moles can be such a pain, but we hope these tips will help you get rid of them. Knowing how to get rid of moles is one thing, but taking action is another. Be sure to put these tips into practice, and you’ll see results in no time. If you have any questions or would like to share your information, please leave a comment below. We’d love to hear from you. Until next time, thanks for reading.…

air conditioning unit

Why You Need a New Air Conditioning Unit

When spring starts setting in and the temperatures are on the rise, the first thing that comes to most people’s minds is the air conditioner. Spending the summers in hot environments without proper air conditioning is not advisable. Sure, you might stick to the old school conditioners to beat the heat, but it can be great if you have a new unit installed. That said, here are some reasons why you should install a new AC.air conditioning unit

To Save Energy

Even though your old air conditioning unit might be serving you right, the chances are that it is not the best for your utility bills. With significant strides in air conditioning technologies, newer AC units allow you to cool your homes for less. While acquiring a new AC unit might cost a significant amount upfront, it will undoubtedly lower your monthly utility bills.

To Improve Indoor Air Quality

air conditioning unit

Any homeowner should pay attention to their indoor air quality. Poor air quality is a recipe for allergies and other respiratory issues. Thus, installing a new AC unit is advisable to protect your loved one from respiratory problems. Not only does the unit make the indoor environment cool, but it also cleans the air inside. For the best results, ensure you enlist the services of a certified installer and arrange to change the filters often.

To Protect the Environment

In the past, air conditioning units used the R-22 refrigerant, also known as Freon. Even though it is an efficient refrigerant, studies have shown that it poses a serious risk to the ozone layer. While leaks are not common in refrigeration systems, even the smallest leaks over thousands of appliances can significantly impact the environment. Installing a newer model that uses an environmentally friendly refrigerant is a significant step towards promoting sustainability.

To Cut Down Repair Bills

Any old air conditioner will give you signs of a possible collapse. For instance, if you have an AC unit that is always being serviced, this could be a desperate call for replacement. By replacing your old AC unit with a new model, you will soon gain peace of mind and save yourself from the burden of paying for unexpected repairs. Repairs cost to build up fast. You might be surprised by how much you can save with a new unit. air conditioning unit

When you are convinced it’s time to get a new air conditioner, call an AC professional to assess your air conditioning needs. Besides professional installation, sizing is key in ensuring you get the best performance from your conditioner.


air conditioning equipment

How to Choose the Best Air Duct Cleaning Services

Your home HVAC system, will over time, suck in dust and other forms of specks of dirt. Hiring air ducts cleaning professionals could help clean these systems. And even though many service providers offer these services, you need to always work with the best

You could use the following tips to pick the best air duct cleaning services:

Ask for a Reference

Most people find the best services by asking for references. It saves them time and other inconveniences of a substandard job. If you want a service provider that will not disappoint you, ask a colleague or friends if they know an excellent company.

Consider the Company’s Experience

The more experienced the service provider, the more they are likely to clean your air ducts properly. So, if you call any company, ask how long they have been cleaning air ducts. If you find out the company is only a few months old, you might want to reconsider.

Request for a List of Past Clients

Asking who else the air duct cleaning service has worked for could give you a hint of their expertise. A company that has provided its services for renowned hotels or residences could be good for you.

Do a Background Check

do a background checkBefore you work with a particular air duct cleaning company, do some background checks. It would also help to ensure that the company has the right insurance, which protects your home in case of any damages. Moreover, read reviews online to see if the other customers are satisfied with the services offered.

Compare Costs

compare costsWhen looking for a cleaning service provider, you do not want to jump at the first offer. You can compare a few companies and their charges before making your decision. Therefore, it is prudent t5o ask for several quotations from different companies.

Get a Written Contractget a contract

No matter how well you think you know a company, there is always a chance of things going haywire. Before work commences, ensure a written agreement is in place, and the relevant people have signed it. Once you do this, you will not be surprised by additional charges. The best air duct cleaning providers have clear terms and contracts.

The last thing you want from an air duct cleaning company is a substandard job or damage to your home or system. The good news is that you could avoid this problem if you follow the tips we have provided above.


effects of water damage

Top Causes of Water Damage

Water damage can be quite costly. Other than making you lose days or weeks of productivity, you will need to repair or replace vital equipment like tools, inventory, and electronics. The truth is that water damage incidents add up easily. Nowadays, a lot of homeowners fill claims for water damage each year. The following are some of the common causes of water damage.

Equipment and Appliances

The truth is that your home must-have equipment and appliances that utilize water. In such a case, leakage is an ever-present danger. Water heaters and air conditioners or anything that uses pipes, tubes, filters, and gaskets to operate have the potential to leak. Moreover, if the leak happens during odd hours, you are likely to have major damage. It is advisable to keep inspecting your home on a routine basis. If there is something that concerns you like, cracks, rust, bulges, and signs of moisture, it is better to take preventative measures. For instance, you can replace the water supply lines on a regular basis.


Ensure you check the roof on a routine basis. Maybe the drainage does not work properly, or you have a pond up there. Remember that an inch of water weighs about 5 pounds. This is bound to cause a lot of strain that results in leaks. Ensure you keep looking for damage to the perimeter flashing, pipes, gas lines, drains, and the roof membrane. Remember that safety measures can deteriorate over time, leaving with you with potential hazards.

Drains and Pipes

This is a no-brainer, but the plumbing system is quite susceptible to clogs, damage, and stoppages. When the crack develops, even if it is quite small, it is likely to dump about 250 gallons of water daily. It is advisable to look for signs of moistures, rusting, bulging, and rusting. When you have plumbing work ongoing, check scale buildup. Moreover, if the facility gets exposed to the lower temperatures, there is a need to keep the pipes insulated at all times. In this way, you can prevent freezing.

Mother Nature

Natural disasters such as severe thunderstorms, hurricanes, and flash flooding are likely to do a lot of damage to the property. Unfortunately, you do not have control over nature, but you can prepare for it. Ensure the gutters are clear, install barriers, and all electronics are installed at a higher level to keep water damage at a minimum.…

living space

How to Improve Your Living Space

Owning a house is only the initial step to comfort. For one to feel at ‘home’ he/she needs to decorate, design, organize and improve their living space. All these changes and modifications need to get your approval to ensure you get satisfied with the results. One of the most common steps people take when renovating is a boiler installation. As long as you have control over the temperature in your home, you are close to getting all the comfort you need. In this article, you will find a list of simple steps you can take to help improve your residence.


a furnished living room
Some people do not know how important it is to visit a house before agreeing to lease or buy. This is because you are going to notice things that may displease you and make a thorough assessment of the investment you are making. The house needs to be spacious; have well-lit rooms and working appliances; offer entry and exit points, and suit your taste. These are just some of the things that will guide you in picking the right space. This way, you get to plan on how you are going to make the place look like to suit your needs.

Spacing & Storage

If your house feels congested try moving things around. If that does not help, it is advisable to get an external storage unit. This way, you will have a place to store your valuables without worry. Because of the extra space in your house, you will notice that there is a difference in feel and aesthetics.


living space home
If you feel like the wall paintings seem off, you have the option to get the house repainted to suit a certain theme or even blend with the furniture. A common shade throughout the house has the potential to break or make the appearance. For this reason, always make sure you weigh all your options before making a decision.

Custom Feel

If you are not leasing the house, feel free to be creative. One of the advantages of owning a home is that you have the freedom to make it your dream place. You can improve the comfort in your home by including a pool in the yard if you do not have one.

The things you can do to make your home complete. Make sure that you have a clear mind on what you desire before settling on any options.…

a furnished living room

How Meth-Contaminated House Affects Your Health

For years, scientists and health experts have tried to address the issue of meth consumption since it is known to have a strong effect, even after years. For that reason, conducting a meth testing before signing any papers showing that you agree to buy a residential property is vital since the contamination can adversely affect your health. If you have a family, it is even more urgent to do the test in the house. Note that the contamination can cause several invisible symptoms during the initial stage, leading to late treatments and death.

The term meth house is also supposed to be a common term that everyone can access. Unfortunately, many people are still not aware of what a meth house and meth contamination are. The term meth house refers to a residential property in which activities associated with meth production or consumption take place. If you fail to know this fact before you move in, the chances are high that you and your family will suffer from certain types of diseases.

Short-Term Risks

chest painDuring the initial stage of exposure, residents are prone to short-term health risks associated with meth. The residue that is left undetected on the surface of the wall and the floor will eventually vaporize and float in the air. It is one dangerous condition that should be avoided. Unfortunately, it is not always visible so that many people are not aware of the fact that there is something in the house that can kill them.

Short-term risks include headaches, migraine, burning eyes, irritated eyes, nausea, coughing, cold, sleeping disorders, dizziness, short breath, and chest pain. Note that all these diseases are quite similar to seasonal illnesses that are common in certain areas. For that reason, people often mistake these symptoms as regular illnesses and fail to get proper treatments.

Long-Term Risks

If you spot any of the above diseases and still insist that you are fine, a possible scenario is that long-term health risks are waiting for you. These risks include cancers, congenital disabilities, kidney and liver damages, and reproductive problems. Although it is not always the same case, the worst part of it is death. Different people have different immune systems and conditions, and it is the reason why they show different signs of long-term exposure. However, if you notice the exposure even at this stage, going to get professional help from the doctor can at least give you ways to address the issues.…

blending home rug

Overdyed Rugs 2019, How You Can Use the New Trend

To transform your place, you need to check overdyed rugs 2019 and and see how they blend perfectly with most homes. Overdyed rugs are the new trend in town and for good reasons. They mix the modern and the ancient art to provide colorful masterpiece which everyone wants for their homes. However, few people know the different ways to make overdyed rugs work for their home. If you are one of them or want a few more clues on their best use, here are some takes.

Pop of Color

dyed rugsWho doesn’t want some color that adds to the elegant feel of their home? Consider some of the bright and nicely designed interiors of your house. Adding some color pop to them would create an impact on the design. A bright white interior could go well with a high contrast hot pink color. You can also choose another dark but bright color to blend with light colors. It helps to uplift the primary color while calling attention to the beautiful rug.

To Connect Spaces with Colors

You may not be the kind who loves to contrast colors. Maybe using the same color on the design and pieces in your room is your in thing. If this is so, consider using rugs which match colors with the hue of your wall and that blends well with the chairs and other pieces in the room. Overdyed rugs which have soft colors should do well with this type of context. Avoid using strong colors. They may call so much attention than blend with the room if your objective is to match the colors.

When Looking for Boldness

bright rugAs you know, placing an overdyed rug on a space creates an impact on the spot. If you can pick the fitting rug and place it at the right place in the house, you are sure to create a jaw drop for anyone who sees it. The first step is analyzing the space for the different colors and objects within. It’s advisable to consider the size of the space too as it allows you to make a reliable estimation on the size of rug you need. At this point, walk into the rugs store and find a rug that wows anyone when placed on your desired area.

Neutral Balance

Do you intend to pull the spaces together into one beautiful piece? Overdyed rugs placed at the center of a room can tie all parts together. Consider a rug which takes in the rest of the colors and ties them into one. It should create the feeling that all other colors originate from it. An easier way to choose the right piece is taking a photo of the area and consulting a designer about the choice rug for that area. You can bet on their advice. If you intend to choose by yourself, a dark color that blends with most other colors will do the trick.

Overdyed Rugs are the new trend today. They are beautiful and colorful pieces that blend with almost any part of your house. You only have to know where to place it and why you need it there. Get the clues above. But when it comes to variety, the market is full of excellent pieces that will match any of your needs.…

property manager

Reasons Why You Need a Professional Property Manager

If you have decided that you want to invest in the real estate fully, then it is good to work with a property manager. A good property manager will make your work easier by ensuring that your business operations can run smoothly without your presence.

However, it is good to know that property managers are never the same. There are those who will do a shoddy job and others will work better than others. It is, therefore, your responsibility to work hard to ensure that you choose the right person to manage your property.

Total Commitment

One of the reasons why hiring a property manager is a brilliant idea is that it gives you time to concentrate on other things while the property manager takes care of your property. Property managers have specialized in managing properties. What this simply means is that they have all that it takes to take your business to the next level because they can commit all their time in managing your property.

Tenant Generation

property managementOne of the common problems that many property owners experience is that of maintaining their tenants. This can be hard because you probably do not know how to approach the whole issue. An experienced property manager will not only ensure that your property is fully occupied but also work hard to ensure that those tenants do not leave.

Another thing that you need to understand about hiring experienced property managers is that they have been in the real estate industry for a long time. What this means is that they know all the tricks that can be used for tenant generation.


Pricing is an essential factor when it comes to the effective running of a real estate property. If you get it wrong when it comes to matters to do with operating your business, you will discover that your business will go down with time.

Hiring the right property manager is actually one of the best ways of ensuring that there is proper pricing for your business. If you are among those people who cannot hire a property manager because you believe that that will be an added expense, then it is high time that you start looking at it from a different perspective. In fact, hiring a property manager is the sure way of taking your business to the next level.…

pool cleaning

Factors to Consider When Buying the Best Above Ground Pool Vacuum

Maintaining high levels of hygiene in your pool and even around it is necessary if you want to make your family happy. It basically makes the pool an ideal place for your family to enjoy the summer season. The good news is that keeping your pool clean is a simple task that requires you to have a perfect above ground pool vacuum.

When it comes to buying the best above ground pool vacuum, there are a number of factors that you will need to consider. This is important because not all the vacuums that you see out there can serve you to the best level possible. Some might end up disappointing you, and this is why it is indispensable that you approach the whole issue wisely. The following are essential factors that you should always consider when looking to buy the best vacuum for your pool. Best Above Ground Pool Vacuum 2019 (In-Depth Reviews & Guide) can also provide you with more insights.

The Size of the Pool

The size of your pool is an essential factor to consider before buying any cleaner for your pool. If your pool is small, then that means that you can clean it using a manual vacuum. However, if the size of your pool is large, you will have a hard time trying to clean it with a manual vacuum. In this case, you will find it necessary to buy an automatic above pool cleaner that will make the work more straightforward for you.

The Efficiency of the Vacuum

Another thing that you will also want to pay attention to is the efficiency of the cleaner. How long does it take for you to finish the cleaning process? If it takes a lot of time for you to complete a simple task, then that is an indication that the vacuum is just not the right one for you. Sometimes you might want to talk to people who have used the vacuum before to learn more about its efficiency.

Ease of Use

When looking to buy an above ground pool vacuum, it is good to choose the types that are easy to use. Any efficient technological device is normally designed for users. This, therefore, means that if you find the models that give you a hard time to make use of them effectively, then it is an indication that there are flaws associated with it.

The Cost

Nothing good comes on a silver platter easily. So if you find above an ground vacuum sold at a meager price, the chances are that they might not be the best option for you. It is, however, wise to make a price comparison before concluding.…

person spray painting

Reasons for Choosing Spray Painting Over Conventional Methods

Every DIY painting project requires finishing at some point. Usually, you need to apply some kind of lacquer, oil, solvent based or water based paint to protect the surface of your finished product. But what do you use to apply the paint? If you are still wondering if the traditional painting is good for your project and you need to consider some things before deciding, here are some reasons for using spray paint.


spray paintingYou can spray paint a finish faster than you can rag or brush it, irrespective of the size or shape. When you spray, the finish material is broken into tiny particles by a stream of air, so it dries very fast. You can touch lacquers, vanishes, and water-based products in minutes and sand and recoat it in an hour. Applying several coats of finish in one day makes the process very efficient. Also because of the rapid drying time, dust particles have very little time for settling. This reduces or completely eliminates the need to sand the surface between the coats.

Easy of Repairing Glitches

It is possible to remove small blemishes and small scratches easily during the painting process when using spray paint. You simply need to sand down and re-coat stains and keep on building up the spray finish to thin layers.


If you can create a finish with a rag or brush, you can get the same results as with spray paint. This is however not true in reverse. You cannot wipe or brush all finishes which can be sprayed. For instance, you can use spray painting techniques like shading and toning, but such is impossible by hand.

Easy to Learn

Spray painting is usually easy to master, and you will get a professional finish much easier than with conventional methods of painting.


hand holding spray gun

When you use correctly prepared spray guns, you have perfect control over where and how the finish is applied. You only need to learn spray painting techniques and how to prepare the spraying gun. You can adjust the air-fluid flow, pressure and fan size to allow even and light coat, hence eliminating brush marks and thick spots.

Quality Finishes

Investing in a spray system will provide quality finishes consistently. You will minimize or eliminate many problems that you get with hand finishes like sags, trapped air bubbles, and drips.

If you are have not decided what painting method to use then, you can choose to spray paint because of these reasons. It will make you work easier and faster than the conventional methods.…

sewing machine

Proven Sewing Tips

Mastering the proven sewing tips can improve your sewing skills and help your sewing business make even more money. Most people are excited to learn new tips that can help them in their sewing projects. Trying new things is good and fun since it can help you in mastering techniques that you have never tried. This write-up is going to share the useful tips and sewing tricks for pros and beginners.

Using Guides

There are some guides for hand stitching that you can use when sewing spaced hand stitches. You should set a switch length that is similar to the hand switch that you are planning to use, especially when making hand switches evenly. This is followed by pulling the machine switches several times before hand sewing.stitching

You should then follow the holes that you have left behind or leave the stitches in their place until you have finished your handwork. The stitches produced by the machine can help you in making different hand stitches like the top stitch, blanket stitch or herringbone stitch. This technique is perfect for those people who are interested in getting perfectly/evenly spaced hand stitching.

Using Easy Tailors Tacks

This technique is helpful in holding threads in place securely making it an ideal alternative to the traditional method. You should use unknotted, contrasting, doubled threads after cutting your pattern pieces. You should pull the fabric layers apart and stitch one set of the patterns to the fabric’s top layer. The other set is stitches to the fabric bottom layer. You can use the threads produced to make clear positions for your sewing.

masking tape


You should sew straight topstitching on fabrics without marking them. The use of masking tape can help you in establishing a clear topstitching guide that you can follow. To get the best results, you should put this tape along the fabric. Stitching should be done along the tape’s edge. Finally, remove the tape once you are through with stitching.

One-Woman Hem-Marking Device

You can easily mark your hem without relying on a helper by stretching the string tautly across the doorway. Make sure that marking is done at the reckoned height. You should then tape or tack it on both sides of the jamb. This is followed by dusting bath powder onto your string and then brushing lightly against your powdered string to transfer a light dusting onto your garment.…


The Right Way to do your Laundry

Laundry is an everyday task for most households synonymous with mundane activities of taking dirty clothes and lumping them into the dry cleaner before taking them out for ironing. However, you might be doing it all wrong and consequently reducing your chance to look attractive, feel the comfort of your clothing and sheets, while also getting rid of bacteria and other unwanted dirt. There is the right way to do your laundry worth pursuing and reading this article opens your eyes.



laundry machine

Start Sorting the Right Way

Sorting is not all about the dark and light colors in your laundry lump. You have to separate the clothes also according to the nature of the dirt to remove such as squalid ones, the muddy children’s clothes, and the light sweat clothes. The fabric is also another category for storing where you have to look at the abrasive ones and put them aside. Some clothes need you to turn them inside out, and they also require low temperature for drying. You must also sort according to manufacturer labels to ensure that you are using the right washing cycles for the garment.



Detergent should not go Directly on Clothes

You must mix the detergent in the water before adding your garments so that the bleach does not mess part of the clothes coming into direct contact with it. Otherwise, you will need to put the soap last after the water and the clothes.



Wash Tiny Items Aside

Socks, handkerchiefs, and thongs can get lost in the laundry basket and the washer when you have too many garments to clean. Sorting them on the side and washing them after separation might ease your work especially when you have a problem with the frequent loss.



Be Careful with Metallic Parts

The insides of the washing machine can get abrasions because of your zippers and buttons. Therefore, you should try to fasten the zips so that they do not pull along other clothes and tear them. Your front-loading view glass is also delicate, and you would not want the zippers to cause damage when they are flying around.



Unbutton the Shirts and Dresses

Buttons must be open to let the clothe fee and to prevent the moving of garments in the machine from being too harsh to cause some shirts to lost their buttons. Unlike zippers, the buttons are not very strong and may give in to the pulling pressure as clothes move in circles. You can unbutton each time you remove your shirt and ask everyone else to do the same in the house so that laundry days are easier on you.



dry clothes

Check Bleeds before the Laundry

Some clothes will come with assurances about not bleeding their color, but if you are going to wash them the first time, then you could do a simple test to confirm the facts. Take a little water with your fist and touch a discrete part of the cloth then press the cloth tightly against a while garment to see whether the color bleeds. If it does, then you have to wash it separately.


Follow these steps to ease your laundry job and improve its effectiveness while increasing the longevity of your clothes.…

kitchen cabinet

Gas Stove vs Electric Stove, which One is Better?

Choosing between the two options for heating and providing heat to your premises and in mobile settings should no longer be a hair-splitting exercise. The following guide breakdown the pros and cons of each choice. You end up with a narrowed decision-making process and a clear winner of the two considering any of the criteria you would be following. The set up for the comparison is easy. You will be looking at the features of one against those in the other option and make a choice based on your preference for having the feature as essential or optional. Here is the ultimate comparison of gas stove vs electric stoves, which one is better ?





Cooking on electric stoves appears as the most efficient way to go, but appearances can be deceiving. Gas stoves rely on the gas moving to the mixer tube to combine with air when ignited thus releasing flame that burns with a blue color. Modern stoves will use an electric spark to ignite and will be instantly hot. In the electric stove, you do not have precise control and can end up wasting energy as you dial up or down. It takes time for the plate or coil to be hot and subsequently to get cold, which implies that you would be losing several minutes with each cook time. Gas stoves with electronic ignition can lead to more than 40% energy savings.




The tag price for the two options is almost the same unless you are differentiating between the brands available in the market and the specifications for the stove. Otherwise, the cost of buying equally specified stores with either energy source should be about the same. Differences can only be according to the profit margins for a particular store, the shipping charges, and the assumed demand of the given store, which tends to affect price disproportionately.



Cost of Running

The cost of electricity and gas affects the running costs of your stove. The cost of electricity tends to be constant over several years while gas prices fluctuate yearly. However, you can compensate for higher gas bills with the efficiency of energy consumption for the stove. Meanwhile, there are no options for regulating the energy consumption of the electric stove other than the provided regulation mechanism, which is not as efficient as the one in the gas stove.



Ease of Use

Most people will find electric stoves as complicated when using them because they will heat up quicker or slower than expected and a cook will be hard-pressed to provide a decent meal with such conditions. The gas burners are easy to regulate since heat comes on instantly and chances based on the turning of the gas outlet pressure and available air for mixing. The electricity plate or coil in the burner can hold heat much longer after switching the stove off, and that can be inconvenient when your food needs particular temperature settings to simmer.



electric stove


Electric stoves are unsafe for regular use around children because of the potential of having hot plates and coils a few minutes after switching them off. Gas stoves present a possible blow-up risk when there is a gas leak. However, you can install gas leak sensors and also make sure to switch off gas supply after switching off the burner.

Gas stoves are cheaper overall and preferable than electric stoves.…